
The automotive industry pays special attention to knowledge-based specification, design, manufacturing and qualification of components and other integrated circuits (ICs). As a result, there is the demand for ICs to be fit-for-application rather than any consideration of fit-for-standard. Thus when the ESD specs are stated, the rationale for the requirements needs to be understood. Therefore, we first need to consider if the ESD requirements for the automotive environment are any different from other consumer product environment requirements. Additionally, automotive product markets often demand “Zero PPM (Parts Per Million)” for overall IC product reliability that includes ESD. Ozet: Otomotiv endustrisi bilgi temelli ozellesmeye, tasarima, imalata ve donanimlarin daha becerikli hale getirilmelerine ve diger entegre devrelere (IC’s) ozel dikkat gostermektedir. Bunun bir sonucu olarak, IC’s lerin standarda uygun olmasindan ziyade uygulamaya uygun olmasina yonelik bir talep bulunmaktadir. Bu nedenle ESD ozellikleri belirlendiginde, gerekliliklerin arkasindaki mantik anlasilmalidir. Dolaysiyla ilk once otomotiv icin ESD gerekliliklerinin diger tuketici urunlerinin gerekliliklerinden farkli olup olmadiklari karsilastirilmalidir. Ek olarak otomotiv urunleri pazarlari siklikla ESD’yi iceren genel IC urun guvenilirligi icin “Sifir PPM (Milyondaki Parcacik Sayisi)” talep etmektedir.

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