
The series of 14 complex organotin(IV) compounds containing many tin atoms and noncovalent bonds in the structure was characterized by electrospray ionization multistage tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS(n)). The mass spectra were measured in both polarity modes to obtain complementary structural information. The characteristic pattern of ten natural tin isotopes allowed the determination of the number of tin atoms in the molecular adducts and fragment ions by comparing theoretical and experimental isotopic distributions. Positive ion ESI spectra show unusual adduct formation depending on the type of organic solvent used for the direct infusion analysis owing to the ion-molecule reactions in the ion source. On the basis of the detailed spectral interpretation of organotin(IV) compounds, the fragmentation patterns of multitin organometallic compounds have been proposed. Noncovalent bonds in polymeric complexes are fragmented first, which is then followed by characteristic neutral losses in monomeric units.

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