
Electrospun biopolyelectrolyte nanofibers hold potential for use in a range of biomedical applications, but eliminating toxic chemicals involved in their production remains a key challenge. In this study, we successfully electrospun nanofibers from an aqueous complex coacervate solution composed of chitosan and hyaluronic acid. Experimentally, we investigated the effect of added salt and electrospinning apparatus parameters, such as how applied voltage affected fiber formation. We also studied how the addition of alcohol cosolvents affected the properties of the coacervate solution and the resulting nanofibers. Overall, we observed a trade-off in how the addition of salt and alcohol affected the phase behavior and rheology of the coacervates and, consequently, the size of the resulting fibers. While salt served to weaken electrostatic associations within the coacervate and decrease the precursor solution viscosity, the addition of alcohol lowered the dielectric constant of the system and strengthened these interactions. We hypothesize that the optimized concentration of alcohol accelerated the solvent evaporation during the electrospinning process to yield desirable nanofiber morphology. The smallest average nanofiber diameter was determined to be 115 ± 30 nm when coacervate samples were electrospun using an aqueous solvent containing 3 wt % ethanol and an applied voltage of 24 kV. These results demonstrate a potentially scalable strategy to manufacture electrospun nanofibers from biopolymer complex coacervates that eliminate the need for toxic solvents and could enable the use of these materials across a range of biomedical applications.

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