
External gross observations of the eye and its adnexae, ocular reflexes, anterior ocular segment biomicroscopic examinations, fundic examinations performed with an indirect ophthalmoscope, and/or electroretinographic investigations (ERG) were carried out on 112 7-12-month-old Yucatan micropigs, on 18 6-8-week-old, and 81 2-10-month old Gottingen minipigs to evaluate the incidence of observed ocular abnormalities and to compare the ERG waves. A statistical comparison was performed for these findings.The most important ocular defects were classified as remnants of embryological vascular tissue. The other findings were considered either as embryonic remnants or of nondeterminate etiology. The most noteworthy findings were, in decreasing order of incidence, for Yucatan micropigs, 6-8 week-old and 2-10-monfh-old Gottingen minipigs, respectively, hyaloid artery remnants (82.1%, 83.3%, and 46.3%), pupillary

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