
The ability of electroretinogram (ERG) b-wave implicit time and b/a wave ratio to predict iris neovascular response was analyzed as a function of stimulus intensity over a 3.6 log unit intensity range in 39 patients with central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO). Predictive power for CRVO patients was evaluated using ROC area at intensities of 1.23, 1.83, 2.43, and 3.03 effective log quanta/rod, where reliable data for both parameters were obtainable from most patients. The relative predictive power of b-wave implicit time and b/a wave ratio were shown to vary with stimulus intensity. The predictive power of b-wave implicit time, as measured by ROC area, declined to below significance at high intensity (above 1.83 log quanta/rod), while b/a wave ratio performed best at middle intensities (1.83 and 2.43 log quanta/rod) and not as well at high and low intensities. Further analysis of statistical behavior of both ERG parameters was obtained from the t statistic. Insight into the mechanism influencing predictive power of b-wave implicit time was derived from measurements on normal adults and CRVO patients with response data taken at high intensities. These results suggest that an optimal stimulus intensity range can be found for these ERG parameters in the evaluation of CRVO.

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