
In view of the difficulty of fine-grained diamond surface electroplating, a method of diamond barrel plating based on rotating electrode is proposed, which is to make the cathode rotate during the rolling process. The mechanism of dynamic contact between fine-grained particle in suspension electroplating solution and electrode is analyzed. And the force model and motion equation of diamond abrasive particles in electroplating fluid were established. The single factor experiments were carried out to study the effects of the rotation speed of the plating bottle, the rotation speed of the electrode, and the diameter of the diamond particles on the weight gain rate and the surface morphology of the suspended fine-grained diamond. The results show that the contact time between the suspended particles and the electrode can be increased when the electrode direction is opposite to that of the plating bottle, and the rotation speed should be matched with the flow rate of the plating solution to obtain a good electroplating result. The weight gain rate decreased with the decrease of particle size. For 25–36 μm diamond particles, the optimal process parameters are as follows: the rotation speed of plating bottle is 20 r/min, the electrode speed is 50 r/min, and the electrode turns opposite to the plating bottle. The smallest size range of diamond particles that can be electroplated by this method is 5–10 μm.

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