
The response characteristics of interpositus neurones (IP) to sciatic nerve stimulation were studied in normal and Lurcher mutant mice under pentobarbitone anaesthesia. The response of IP neurones in the normal mouse was a short latency bimodal excitation (E1-I1-E2) followed by a depression of the firing rate (I2) and ending with a longer latency excitation (E3) which was completed within 225 msec. The response of the majority of IP neurones in the Lurcher mouse was a short latency unimodal excitation (LE1) which corresponded in time to the E1-I1-E2 phase in the normal. This was followed by a pause in the excitation. The response ended with a longer latency excitation (LE2) corresponding in time to the E3 phase in the normal mouse but which persisted for a considerably greater period of time. The response of IP neurones in normal and Lurcher mice appear to be similar to those observed in the normal and experimentally cerebellar decorticate cat, respectively.

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