
Resveratrol (trans-3,4',5-trihydroxystilbene- RES), is a natural antioxidant found in variousfruits and vegetables and is abundant in grapes. It has beneficial effects against coronary heartdiseases. This study aims to explore the protective and therapeutic effects of resveratrol oncadmium chloride induced toxicity on isolated toad's hearts. Electrocardiogram (ECG) wasrecorded before and after direct perfusion of cadmium chloride (CdCl2) and resveratrol.Application of CdCl2 (2mM/L) into isolated toad's heart significantly decreased the heart rate(HR) accompanied by an elongation in the conduction time (P-R interval), while a nonsignificant decrease of the ventricular contraction (R-wave amplitude) was observed withinminutes (5-30 min) of CdCl2 application into isolated toad's. Pretreatment of isolated toad'shearts with RES (21μM/L) five min before CdCl2 application abolished the severe bradycardiaand negative inotropic effect induced by CdCl2, this was accompanied by improvement ofcardiac disorders induced by this toxic heavy metal. While, post treatment of RES afterappearance of cardiac abnormalities induced by CdCl2 didn’t affect these induced disorders. Inconclusion, the obtained investigation indicates that RES could serve as a protective agentagainst some of acute ( CdCl2) toxicity on isolated toad's heart than more that its therapeuticefficacy. However, low level of resveratrol at was not effective in preventing either neither severbradycardia nor in reducing ventricular dysfunction induced by cadmium.

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