
1. The electrophysiological properties of electrical synaptic transmission between sympathetic preganglionic neurones (SPNs) in slices of rat spinal cord were investigated using simultaneous dual-electrode patch-clamp recordings. Electrotonic coupling was directly demonstrated between 21 pairs of SPNs. 2. Coupling coefficients determined from the steady-state response of both neurones to current steps injected into either neurone ranged from 0. 02 to 0.48 (0.18 +/- 0.02, mean +/- s.e.m.). Synapses were bidirectional and symmetrical for the majority of connections with coupling coefficients similar in either direction. Asymmetrical coupling between a minority of cell pairs was due to differences in passive neuronal properties rather than rectification of the synaptic conductances. 3. Action potentials were manifest in adjoining cells as biphasic electrical postsynaptic potentials (ePSPs), composed of a rapid depolarising component followed by a more prolonged hyperpolarisation with amplitudes of 1.2 +/- 0.2 and 2.1 +/- 0.6 mV, respectively. 4. Postsynaptic potentials resembled low-pass filtered presynaptic spikes with frequency dependence determined by the junctional conductance and postsynaptic membrane properties. Increases in presynaptic action potential frequency caused attenuation of the hyperpolarising component of the ePSP that was attributed to shorter duration presynaptic spikes being more markedly filtered. 5. Synchronisation of spontaneous action potentials between electrotonically coupled neurones was driven by subthreshold membrane potential activity resembling repetitive ePSPs. Synchronous spike firing in previously silent neurones could be driven by suprathreshold ePSPs induced by suprathreshold depolarisation of a single adjoining neurone. 6. These data characterise reliable communication of sub- and suprathreshold activity by electrical synapses enabling synchronised SPN firing which may contribute to generation of coherent sympathetic rhythms and promote summation of inputs to postganglionic neurones.

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