
Average bipolar and monopolar evoked responses following photic, acoustic, olfactory bulb, amygdaloid complex, caudate nucleus, ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH), or pineal body stimulation were recorded simultaneously from pineal body and VMH of freely behaving rats. Permanent semimicroelectrodes (60 μm in diameter) were implanted 6 to 8 days before experiments were begun. Short-latency responses were observed in the pineal following amygdala, VMH, olfactory, acoustic, and photic stimulation, and in VMH following amygdala, olfactory, pineal, photic, and acoustic stimulation. Response latencies from VMH to pineal were shorter than from pineal to VMH. The data support the concept of neuronal connections between the pineal body and neural structure in the brain, at least in rats.

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