
The superior paraolivary nucleus (SPN) of the superior olivary complex (SOC) though morphologically well described, has not been characterized physiologically. Here we report the basic response properties of SPN units acquired with extracellular recording techniques under monaural acoustic stimulation in the Mongolian gerbil. Poststimulus-time histograms corresponded to those described earlier for the cat’s cochlear nucleus (onset, chopper, primary-like), and partly to those previously acquired in other SOC nuclei (tonic, off/rebound). Two-thirds of the units responded solely to contralateral stimulation (40% excitatory [E], 19% inhibitory [I], 6% mixed [EI]). Most of the remainder responded equally to stimulation from either ear (18% I.I, 9% E.E). Overall, the monaural contralateral input was more effective than the ipsilateral and bilateral input. Characteristic frequencies and response areas covered the entire hearing range of the gerbil and the units mostly showed broad frequency-tuning. In combination, these properties suggest that the SPN might be a constituent of an afferent pathway encoding stimulus features across broad frequency ranges.

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