
Little is known about the electrophysiological characteristics of telocytes found in the working myocardium and sinoatrial node (SAN). Telocyte expres -sion of HCN4 suggests the ability to generate pacemaker potentials. To prove the impulse conduction, the presence of voltage-gated sodium channels is required. It is assumed that telocytes are also located in the atrioventricular node (AVN). Aim . Morphological and electrophysiological study of AVN and SAN telocytes. Material and methods. Fragments of the right atrium, AVN of 7 hearts of recipients and 3 hearts of pigs were taken, respectively, during heart transplantation and after the experiment. Isolation of telocyte cultures, histological, immunohis tochemical tests with anti-CD117, anti-NaV1.5 (SCN5A), anti-CD34 antibodies, intravital confocal laser microscopy were carried out. The patch-clamp technique was used. Results . In AVN cultures, CD117 + cells with long processes were found. There was a potassium current with a density of 700 pA/pF during membrane depolarization up to +90 mW in humans and pigs using the patch-clamp technique. Calcium oscillations with a period of about 200 seconds in a pig with an increase in calcium concentration. In elongated cells located between cardiomyocytes and among the fibrous tissue of SAN perifocal zone, the co-expression of anti-NaV1.5 and anti-CD34 antibodies was revealed. Conclusion . In AVN, telocytes were found, in whose cultures potassium current and calcium oscillations were determined. SCN5A sodium channels were found in telocytes of the perifocal area of human SAN. This fact indicates the ability of cells to conduct an electrical impulse.


  • атриовентрикулярном узле (АВУ) — атриовентрикулярный узел, конфокальной лазерной сканирующей микроскопии (КЛСМ) — конфокальная лазерная сканирующая микроскопия, МИП — механоиндуцированные потенциалы, правого предсердия (ПП) — правое предсердие, синусном узле (СУ) — синусный узел, ТЦ — телоциты

  • Little is known about the electrophysiological characteristics of telocytes found in the working myocardium and sinoatrial node (SAN)

  • It is assumed that telocytes are located in the atrioventricular node (AVN)

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АВУ — атриовентрикулярный узел, КЛСМ — конфокальная лазерная сканирующая микроскопия, МИП — механоиндуцированные потенциалы, ПП — правое предсердие, СУ — синусный узел, ТЦ — телоциты. Материал и методы Материалом исследования послужили фрагменты пограничной с СУ зоны ПП и АВУ 7 сердец реципиентов при трансплантации сердца Для исследования АВУ (у 7 пациентов и 3 свиней) применялись серийные гистологические срезы шагом в 1 мм.

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