
Alkaline phosphatase was solubilized from plasma membrane of rat liver with butanol-ol, bile acids or sodium deoxycholate, and electrophoretically compared with a soluble form in serum which was derived from the liver. The three enzyme preparations from the plasma membrane migrated at the same position on polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis in the presence of either Triton X-100 or sodium dodecyl sulphate. The mobility of them, however, was distinctly different from that of the serum-soluble form of the liver-derived alkaline phosphatase. On the other hand, phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C isolated from Bacillus cereus was used to release alkaline phosphatase from plasma membrane. The released alkaline phosphatase was demonstrated to have the same mobility as the serum-soluble form on polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis in the presence or absence of detergents. The phospholipase C also converted the butan-1-ol-extracted membrane form into the serum-soluble form. The results suggest that release of alkaline phosphatase from the liver into serum is not simply caused by a detergent effect of bile salts, but involves an enzymic hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol, with which alkaline phosphatase may strongly interact in the membrane.

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