
Article1 June 1961ELECTROPHORETIC AND ANALYTICAL ULTRACENTRIFUGE STUDIES IN SERA OF PSYCHOTIC PATIENTS: ELEVATION OF GAMMA GLOBULINS AND MACROGLOBULINS, AND SPLITTING OF ALPHA2 GLOBULINSW. J. FESSEL, M.R.C.P., B. W. GRUNBAUM, Ph.D.W. J. FESSEL, M.R.C.P.Search for more papers by this author, B. W. GRUNBAUM, Ph.D.Search for more papers by this authorAuthor, Article, and Disclosure Informationhttps://doi.org/10.7326/0003-4819-54-6-1134 SectionsAboutPDF ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack CitationsPermissions ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail ExcerptPsychotic patients have been shown to have an excessive incidence of rheumatoid factor and lupus factor in their sera.1, 2 This paper reports the electrophoretic serum protein patterns of chronically psychotic patients who had positive serologic tests for rheumatoid factor and the patterns of certain control groups.MATERIALS AND METHODSA.Patient Material:The following sera of chronically psychotic patients were examined: (1) eighty-four sera known to contain rheumatoid factor (FII-positive group); (2) forty-six sera known not to contain rheumatoid factor or lupus factor (FII-negative group); (3) twenty-six sera, none of them containing the rheumatoid factor, obtained from a group...Bibliography1. 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Biophys. Acta 10: 193-194 (Jan.) 1953. CrossrefMedlineGoogle Scholar This content is PDF only. To continue reading please click on the PDF icon. Author, Article, and Disclosure InformationAffiliations: San Francisco, California*Received for publication December 22, 1960.From The Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute, California Department of Mental Hygiene, and the Departments of Psychiatry and Pediatrics, University of California School of Medicine, San Francisco, Calif.†This work was supported in part by a grant from the California State Department of Mental Hygiene and in part by a grant from the USPHS, Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases (Grant A-3774).Requests for reprints should be addressed to W. J. Fessel, M.R.C.P., The Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute, 401 Parnassus Avenue, San Francisco 22, Calif. PreviousarticleNextarticle Advertisement FiguresReferencesRelatedDetails Metrics Cited byThe Biochemistry of the Functional PsychosesBehavioral and Neuroendocrine Interactions with ImmunogenesisImmunoglobulin levels in psychotic patientsUrinary glycoproteins in schizophreniaSchizophreniaBiochemical Hypotheses and StudiesSerum proteins in acutely psychotic patientsBiochemical Research in SchizophreniaSecondary immune response to tetanus toxoid in psychiatric patientsEMOTIONS, STRESS, THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM, AND IMMUNITYCurrent Biochemical Approaches to SchizophreniaDie paraproteinämischen HämoblastosenSerum Proteins in Huntington's ChoreaZur Klassifizierung atypischer paraproteinämischer HämoblastosenPROTEIN FRACTIONS IN THE SERA OF MENTALLY CONFUSED GERIATRIC PATIENTS: EFFECT OF CORTICOTROPINCriminalisticsDarstellung und Eigenschaften von ?1A-Globulin aus HumanserumMacroglobulin Elevations in Functional Mental Illness 1 June 1961Volume 54, Issue 6Page: 1134-1145KeywordsHypergammaglobulinemiaMalnutritionMetabolic disordersPathogenesisPediatricsProteinsPsychiatry and mental healthPsychosesSerum proteinsUltracentrifugation ePublished: 1 December 2008 Issue Published: 1 June 1961 PDF downloadLoading ...

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