
3390. (44) De Le RkM J. H. Ar-h s ~ b s ~ ~ Nftrm Academic Press Inc.: New York, 1959. (45) mine, H. J. RMCW m n / s m in orgenic ”/sby, A r m & ReanangementS: Monograph 6, Eaborn, C., Chapman, N. E., Eds.: Elsevier Publishing Company: New York. 1967. (46) Mer&, J. ~b~~~ orgenic cmiSw, RMcbbn Mechanism Structure, 3rd. ed.: John Wlley 8 Sons: New York, 1985; p 501. p. D. RECEIVED for review February 11, 1991. Accepted June 7, 1991. The support of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA CK-815749-01-0) is acknowledged. The Support provided by the Emil Aaltonen Foundation and Suomen Kulttuurirahasto is greatly appreciated (T.K.).

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