
Abstract— Recent commercial liquid‐crystal‐display (LCD) televisions are larger and brighter than traditional televisions, thus impacting the viewing conditions in which they are viewed. These changes in viewing conditions may require different electro‐optical transfer functions (EOTFs) for LCD TVs than those for conventional TVs. Here, the way various EOTFs affect the preferred image quality of test images with changes in brightness and surround illumination conditions are examined. The first method used a gain, offset, and gamma (GOG) function with a range of gamma values, and the second method altered the intrinsic EOTFs. Image preference for the simulated EOTFs was determined using a paired‐comparison experiment for ten images. The first experiment took place in a darkened room at two display luminance levels. The results indicated that a gamma of 1.6 was most preferred overall although more so at a lower screen luminance level. In a second experiment, the procedure was repeated with a dim surround of 10% of the display's white point. With this surround, preference for a gamma value of around 1.6 at both screen luminance levels was more enhanced. These results indicated that image preference for different EOTFs is dependent on display luminance and that this dependence is maintained with a dim surround.

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