
We study single collisions between orthopositronium beams and targets with unpaired electrons, in which the conversion (quenching) of the long-lived orthopositronium into the short-lived parapositronium occurs as a result of electron exchange. We consider unpolarized and polarized targets with one and two unpaired electrons. Angular-momentum coupling and density-matrix techniques are used to calculate the probabilities of obtaining either para- or orthopositronium after the collisions. The probability of the initial orthopositronium being converted to parapositronium (quenching probability) is given in terms of complex scattering amplitudes labeled with total electron spin. Quenching probabilities are calculated for polarized and unpolarized targets, with and without detection of the spins of the targets after the collisions. Ratios of the probabilities of producing parapositronium to that of obtaining orthopositronium are given in terms of electron-spin amplitudes.

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