
The use of electronic systems in automotive applications is characterized by special requirements concerning surrounding conditions, e.g. near the engine or breaks, and reliability demands. More and more piezoceramic sensors and actuators become common in such systems. Especially piezoceramic actuators are characterized by high power, low volume, fast mechanical response to an electrical pulse and a high variety of possible geometries. One application of such actuators is to drive fuel injection valves in internal combustion engines like diesel engines or petrol engines. The goal of the project group during the past years was the development and evaluation of a safe and reliable connecting and packaging technology for piezoceramic actuators in this field of application. Our paper presents, based on the general demands to the actuators and so to the technologies, the investigations that have been made, the realized tests (reliability test, endurance run), some results of destructive and non-destructive diagnostics (cross sections, X-ray) to assess the interconnections and the general results of the project.

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