
The phenomenally rapid growth of space flight has placed stringent demands upon the electronics engineer to develop instrumentation of modest size, weight, power consumption and heat dissipation, but of maximum sensitivity, stability, lifetime and reliability. Space flight is creating situations for which no well-developed precedents exist, thus requiring the evolution of new techniques or new basic ideas. Attitude control equipment of space craft will utilize infrared sensors, or the earth-magnetic field, or a radio beam from earth. Cryogenics will be applied to create low operating temperatures. Communications must be maintained by line-of-sight links; the NASA Deep Space Instrumentation Facility will be capable of serving space shots planned for the next few years. Communication systems can be substantially improved by using quantum-electronic devices and light-weight electric power supplies. Telemeter problems include the enormous amount of data which must be transmitted from giant launch vehicles, and the transmission from a space probe of a maximum of data over large distances with a minimum of power. The Saturn C-1 and Mariner telemeter systems are described to illustrate these problems. Space operations such as orbital rendezvous, orbital assembly and launch, approach and descent to the moon and planets will require automated equipment to an extent not previously faced on earth. Electric power supplies with long life, low weight and high reliability are required for the electric and electronic devices on board a space craft; solar and nuclear power appear most attractive to satisfy the requirements.

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