
This Ph.D thesis describes the development of a novel readout ASIC for hybrid pixel detector with intelligent particle tracking capabilities in High Energy Physics (HEP) application, called Macro Pixel ASIC (MPA). The concept of intelligent tracking is introduced for the upgrade of the particle tracking system of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN: this detector must be capable of selecting at front--end level the interesting particle and of providing them continuously to the back-end. This new functionality is required to cope with the improved performances of the LHC when, in about ten years' time, a major upgrade will lead to the High Luminosity scenario (HL-LHC). The high complexity of the digital logic for particle selection and the very low power requirement of 95% in particle selection and a data reduction from 200 Tb/s/cm2 to 1 Tb/s/cm2. A prototype, called MPA-Light, has been designed, produced and tested. According to the measurements, the prototype respects all the specications. The same device has been used for multi-chip assembly with a pixelated sensor. The assembly characterization with radioactive sources conrms the result obtained on the bare chip

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