
For California pomology, it is ideal to communicate and disseminate information electronically because of its large size and diversity of fruit and nut crops. In support of statewide extension, the Fruit & Nut Research and Information Center's World Wide Web site 9 http://pom44.ucdavis.edu) focuses on providing information and links for temperate, subtropical and tropical fruits and nuts and keeping all interested persons well informed about University of California research and outreach activities. The Internet has been proven ideal for its user friendliness and rapid dissemination of current information. The Center supports this electronic change for growers and industry by collaborative projects with industry and involving Internet education and demonstrations at short courses, symposia, and educational days throughout the state. By this outreach to fruit and nut crop industries, the needs of the growers can be addressed. Also, it is important to address interdisciplinary cooperation and efficiency in the Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension programs, especially in view of the recent reduction in staff and resources. By creating electronic listserv groups for each crop through the Center, extension specialists and farm advisors have the ability for increased communication. A more visible and active focal point —both within and outside the University—for research and outreach activities related to fruit and nut production, handling, processing, marketing and consumption has been created since the Center was established in Dec. 1995.

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