
The electronic structure of the vacancy-ordered K$_{0.5}$Fe$_{1.75}$Se$_2$ iron-selenide compound (278 phase) is studied using the first-principles density functional method. The ground state of the 278 phase is stripe-like antiferromagnetic, and its bare electron susceptibility shows a large peak around $(\pi, \pi)$ in the folded Brillouin zone. Near Fermi level, the density of states are dominated by the Fe-3d orbitals, and both electron-like and hole-like Fermi surfaces appear in the Brillouin zone. Unfolded band structure shows limited similarities to a hole doped 122 phase. With 0.1e electron doping, the susceptibility peak is quickly suppressed and broadened; while the two-dimensionality of the electron-like Fermi surfaces are greatly enhanced, resulting in a better nesting behavior. Our study should be relevant to the recently reported superconducting phase K$_{0.5+x}$Fe$_{1.75+y}$Se$_2$ with both $x$ and $y$ very tiny.

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