
The electronic structure and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) spectra of the Ni2MnGa and Cu doped Ni2MnGa Heusler alloys were investigated theoretically from first principles, using the fully relativistic Dirac linear MT-orbital (LMTO) band structure method. Densities of valence states, orbital and spin magnetic moments are analyzed and discussed. The electronic and magnetic structure of Ni-Mn-Ga Heusler alloys were investigated for the cubic austenitic and modulated 7M-like incommensurate martensitic phases. The X-ray absorption spectra (XAS) and XMCD at the Mn, Ni, Ga, and Cu L2,3, and Mn, Ni, and Ga K edges were investigated theoretically from first principles. The origin of the XMCD spectra in the Ni2MnGa compound is examined. The ab initio calculations reproduce well experimental XAS and XMCD spectra. The XAS at the Mn L2,3 edges remains mostly unchanged through martensitic phase transition. A fingerprint of the martensitic phase transition has been found in the Ni L2,3 XAS spectra. The experimental Ni L3 XAS has a pronounced shoulder at the L3 peak at around 853 eV. This peak is nearly suppressed in the martensitic state in comparison with the austenitic phase due to the lifting of the degeneracy in the Ni 3d related unoccupied electronic states. The XMCD of the martensitic phase is increased compared to the XMCD of the austenite phase at the Ni and Mn L2,3 edges.

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