
Electronic states of a single electron in doubly eccentric cylindrical quantum wire are theoretically investigated in this paper. The motion of electron in quantum wire is free along axial direction in a cylindrical quantum wire and restricted in annular regions by three different parallel finite cylindrical barriers as soft wall confinement. The effective mass Schrödinger equation with effective mass boundary conditions is used to find energy eigenvalues and corresponding wavefunctions. Addition theorem for cylindrical Bessel functions is used to shift the origin for applying boundary conditions at different circular boundaries. Fourier expansion is applied after addition theorem to get wavefunctions in analytical form. A determinant equation is obtained as a result of applications of effective mass boundary conditions which roots gives energy of various electronic states. The lowest root gives ground state energy. The variation in ground state energy with eccentricity is obtained numerically and presented graphically. Electronic states in massive wall confinement and hard wall confinement is further obtained as limiting behavior of the states obtained in soft wall confinement. The knowledge of electronic states in such cylindrical hetrostructures semiconductor material can lead to improve the efficiency of many quantum devices.

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