
The electronic transitions and resonance-enhanced vibrational excitations of octafluorocyclopentene (c-C5F8) have been investigated using high-resolution photoabsorption spectroscopy in the energy range 6-11 eV. In addition, the high-resolution electron energy loss spectrum (HREELS) was recorded under the electric dipolar excitation conditions (100 eV incident energy, approximately 0 degrees scattering angle) over the 5-14 eV energy loss range. A He(I) photoelectron spectrum (PES) has also been recorded between 11 and 20 eV, allowing us to derive a more precise value of (11.288 +/- 0.002) eV for the ground neutral state adiabatic ionization energy. All spectra presented in this paper represent the first and highest resolution data yet reported for octafluorocyclopentene. Ab initio calculations have been performed for helping in the assignment of the spectral bands for both neutral excited states and ionic states.

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