
The ground state 7F0 and crystal-field components of the 7F1, 7F2 and 7F3 manifolds from the 4f6 ground configuration of Sm2+ in CaF2 have been studied by electronic Raman scattering. Six electronic Raman transitions (ERT) were observed for the first time and, with the help of the fluorescent band spectrum these Raman features were identified as the transitions: 7F0(A1g) to 7F1(T1g), 7F1(T1g) to 7F2(Eg), 7F1(T1g) to 7F2(T2g), 7F2(Eg) to 7F3(T2g), 7F2(Eg) to 7F3(T1g) and 7F2(T2g) to 7F3(T1g). The energy of these states, relative to the ground level, were also determined. The symmetry of ERT, as determined by polarised experiment, is T1g. This fact confirms the assignment that all ERT observed are related to the irreducible spherical scattering tensor alpha Q1.

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