
Electronic medication management (eMM) has been shown to reduce medication errors; however, new safety risks have also been introduced that are associated with system use. No research has specifically examined the changes made to eMM systems to mitigate these risks. To (1) identify system-related medication errors or workflow blocks that were the target of eMM system updates, including the types of medications involved, and (2) describe and classify the system enhancements made to target these risks. In this retrospective qualitative study, documents detailing updates made from November 2014 to December 2019 to an eMM system were reviewed. Medication-related updates were classified according to "rationale for changes" and "changes made to the system." One hundred and seventeen updates, totaling 147 individual changes, were made to the eMM system over the 4-year period. The most frequent reasons for changes being made to the eMM were to prevent medication errors (24% of reasons), optimize workflow (22%), and support "work as done" on paper (16%). The most frequent changes made to the eMM were options added to lists (14% of all changes), extra information made available on the screen (8%), and the wording or phrasing of text modified (8%). Approximately a third of the updates (37%) related to high-risk medications. The reasons for system changes appeared to vary over time, as eMM functionality and use expanded. To our knowledge, this is the first study to systematically review and categorize system updates made to overcome new safety risks associated with eMM use. Optimization of eMM is an ongoing process, which changes over time as users become more familiar with the system and use is expanded to more sites. Continuous monitoring of the system is necessary to detect areas for improvement and capitalize on the benefits an electronic system can provide.

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