
Today, in the conditions of active scientific and technological progress, more and more attention is paid to the development of information and communication technologies both at the global and at the state levels. Confirmation of these words is the Decree No. 204 signed by the President of the Russian Federation "On national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024".The main provisions of this decree are the acceleration of the technological development of the Russian Federation, through the introduction of digital technologies in various spheres of society, as well as the creation of a stable and secure information and telecommunication infrastructure for high-speed transmission, processing and storage of large amounts of data, available to allorganizations. The concept of “e-government” is gaining more and more importance, which includes many different aspects, among which e-justice is of particular importance. Electronic justice should be understood as justice carried out by special state bodies (courts) in a strictly prescribed procedural form with the use of information communication technologies in civil and arbitration processes, which allows procedural actions in electronic form, as well as electronic support of judicial activity. And in order to effectively apply all the possibilities of electronic justice in practice, the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation should spell out a mechanism for implementing electronic justice in civil cases.

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