
AbstractA systematic analysis was performed of 378 articles published in the 59 volumes of the Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries (EJISDC) in the period 2000 to 2013. The aim of the study was to create a bibliometric profile of the journal by investigating variables such as the article productivity, Web citations and non‐Web citations, authorship patterns, background of the authors, institutional collaboration, degree of collaboration, as well as most productive authors and institutions together with their countries and regional affiliations. This study used the bibliographic database Inspec as a data collection source. Results of the study reveal that the average number of articles per year was 27 and the average length of an article 16.24 pages. The reference list analysis showed that most authors cite print resources, with 81.89% non‐Web references compared to 18.11% Web references. A total of 697 authors contributed to this journal, with an average of 2.16 authors per article. An overwhelming 86.51% of the authors are from a university background. The journal displays a collaborative authorship pattern with 250 (66.14%) articles that were co‐authored, compared to 128 (33.86%) that were single authored.

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