
This special issue of JAMIA presents several applications of electronic health record (EHR) systems for clinical decision making. The integration of genetic information into EHRs has been receiving a lot of attention in the past few years. Wilcox et al ( see page e117 ) describe the implementation of a user interface in an EHR that resulted in timely dissemination of gene variant information to clinicians. Laerum et al ( see page e143 ) describe results of a qualitative study showing physicians' positive reactions to automated genetic information. Bell et al ( see page e93 ) report on the development, implementation and evaluation of a clinical decision support system (CDSS) for pharmacogenomics, showing high adherence to prescriptions guided by their system. The use of the EHR itself may result in improved process outcomes. Rand et al ( see page e152 ) describe how its presence resulted …

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