
The digital disturbance is currently the main problem vulnerable to many industries including the industry of government. The purpose of this study is to recommend the immediate AI enabled solution to upgrade the life of citizens in the urban areas of Pakistan by using AI as a new dimension for the citizen services. This study is based upon systematic literature review method to collect, analyse and synthesise data available in the previous researches regarding the topic to provide an artificial intelligence oriented innovative solutions for the implementation of e-government services in Pakistan. Based upon the current ICT infrastructure and stability in Pakistan, it is recommended to have artificial intelligence in the citizens to government (C2G) administrative services, financial and taxation services, police, local administration, and health services. This study contributes to knowledge by providing certain dimensions to implement AI services in e-government for the betterment of citizens in Pakistan. These recommendations can also be of interest to academic researchers, IT practitioners, and governments especially in the developing countries.

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