
The Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents (the Apostille Convention) is the most widely accepted and applied of all the conventions adopted under the auspices of the Hague Conference on Private International Law. The Apostille Convention was originally drafted having regard only to the paper environment, so with the development of modern information technologies it was necessary to adapt its application to these new circumstances. For this reason, the Pilot Program Electronic Apostille (e-APP) was launched in 2006. On the one hand, this program aims at facilitating the creation of electronic registers, containing data on issued Apostilles (the 'e-Register component'), while on the other hand it enables the issuance of electronic Apostilles (the 'e-Apostille component'). To date, 23 Contracting States have implemented one or both of the components of the e-APP. Having in mind the positive impact of the e-APP on the overall operation of the Apostille Convention, this paper analyses positive legislation and possibilities for introducing this program into the legal system of the Republic of Serbia. The situation differs whether we examine the e-Register or the e-Apostille component. As regards the implementation of the e-Apostille component, the situation is more complex since it is necessary not only to change the existing legislation but also to enhance the application of information technologies in the operation of state administration as well as the overall development of the information society. Contrary to that, introducing the e-Register component is a very simple process and requires only certain technical conditions. Bearing in mind the constant increase in the number of Contracting States which implemented this component of the Program, the Republic of Serbia should keep pace with these developments and improve the application of the Apostille Convention at the earliest possible time.


  • Odredbe st. 1. i 2. ovog člana se ne primenjuju na: a) pravne poslove kojima se vrši prenos prava svojine na nepokretnosti ili kojima se ustanovljavaju druga stvarna prava na nepokretnostima; b) izjave stranaka i drugih učesnika u postupku za raspravljanje zaostavštine, formu zaveštanja, ugovore o ustupanju i raspodeli imovine za života, ugovore o doživotnom izdržavanju i sporazume u vezi sa nasleđivanjem, kao i druge ugovore iz oblasti naslednog prava; v) ugovore o utvrđivanju imovinskih odnosa između bračnih drugova; g) ugovore o raspolaganju imovinom lica kojima je oduzeta poslovna sposobnost; d) ugovore o poklonu; đ) druge pravne poslove ili radnje, za koje je posebnim zakou elektronskoj formi mogao biti priznat u pravnom sistemu Republike Srbije, ali samo ukoliko ispunjava druge uslove propisane ovim zakonom

  • Bearing in mind the constant increase in the number of Contracting States which implemented this component of the Program, the Republic of Serbia should keep pace with these developments and improve the application of the Apostille Convention at the earliest possible time

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Implementation chart of the e-APP, http://www.hcch.net/upload/impl_chrt_e.pdf, Svrha ove odredbe se ogleda u mogućnosti da zainteresovani nadležni organ ili lice može da proveri verodostojnost izdatog pečata Apostille i utvrdi da li se podaci upisani u potvrdi slažu sa podacima u registru.[12]. Ovaj postupak provere se u slučaju vođenja običnog „papirnog” registra najčešće odvija tako što zainteresovani nadležni organ ili lice upućuje zvaničan zahtev nadležnom organu države ugovornice koji je izdao pečat Apostille (putem dopisa, telefona, faksa) i podrazumeva da zaposleni u tom organu fizički pristupi registru i proverava podatke, a potom zvaničnim aktom dostavlja odgovor. U ovom trenutku, među državama članicama Konvencije Apostille, koje su u svoj pravni sistem uvele ovu komponentu, prepoznate su tri vrste e-Registara,[13] u zavisnosti od toga koje podatke zainteresovani organ ili lice koje proverava verodostojnost izdatog pečata Apostille može da dobije:. Apostille Handbook – Handbook on the Practical Operation of the Apostille Convention, p. 82

Conclusions and Recommendations No
Conclusions and Recommendations
Priznanje stranih javnih isprava overenih elektronskim pečatom Apostille
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