
Binding energies of exciton, trions and biexciton and their interband optical transition energies are studied in a CdTe/ZnTe quantum dot nanostructure taking into consideration the geometrical confinement effect. The radial spread of the wavefunctions, binding energies, optical transition energies, oscillator strength, radiative life time and the absorption coefficients of exciton, positively and negatively charged excitons and biexciton are carried out. It is found that the ratio of the radiative life time of exciton with the trions and biexciton enhances with the reduction of geometrical confinement. The results show that (i) the binding energies of exciton, positive and negative trions and the biexciton have strong influence on the reduction of geometrical confinement effect, (ii) the binding energy is found to decrease from the binding energies of exciton to positive trion through biexciton and negative trion binding energies, (iii) the oscillator strength of trions is found to be lesser than exciton and the biexciton and (iv) the electronic and optical properties of exciton, trions and the biexciton are considerably dependent on the spatial confinement, incident photon energy and the radiative life time. The obtained results are in good agreement with the other existing literature.

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