
RECENT work has shown that the nature of the electron spin resonance spectrum observed in irradiated diamond depends on the type and amount of irradiation. Faulkner and Lomer1 used comparatively heavy doses of 2-MeV electrons (up to 8 × 1019 electron cm−2) and distinguished four systems, all of which show a g-value which is isotropic and equal to the free-spin value within 0.2 per cent: (a) a single line of width about 5 gauss; (b) a system of 24 lines with symmetry axes near the directions, and a D-value of 0.14 cm−1; (c) a system of 6 lines with symmetry axes along the directions and a D-value of 0.14 cm−1; (d) a broad absorption with a half-power width of about 70 gauss, showing a complicated anisotropic structure.

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