
Characteristic electron spin resonance (ESR) spectrum was detected after photodynamic therapy (PDT) which used porphyrin polymer (N-HpD) and low power of Argon laser. This ESR spectrum was as triplet signal between 3rd and 4th of Mn2+ signal. And it was considered that this signal orignated from R2NO radical which was a product of N-HpD after PDT.The strength of ESR spectrum was correlative with the volume of N-HpD that was absorbed into cells.Basing on above results, we measured the ESR spectrum after PDT of normal gastric mucosa of rat and the subcutaneous transplanted tumor of mouse.The triplet signal about gastric mucosa revealed the highest peak on 24 hours' radiation of Argon laser after N-HpD administration in abdominal cavity of rats. Next, the triplet signal about subcutaneous tumors of mice revealed the highest peak on 24 hours' radiation after N-HpD administration.From above data, it is suggested that the measurement of ESR spectrum will make a deal about the mechanism and the suitable condition of PDT.

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