
The influence of two body short range correlations on elastic electron scattering charge form factors, charge densities as well as root mean square charge radii of some fp-shell nuclei (for example, 48Ca, 50Cr, 54Fe, 58Ni, 70Ge and 74Se) and some N50-shell nuclei (for example, 88Sr and 90Zr) is analyzed using the one- and two-body terms in the cluster expansion together with the single particle harmonic oscillator wave functions. The Jastrow-type correlation function is utilized to embed the effect of short range correlations into elastic charge form factors F(q) and charge densities ρ(r). Both F(q) and ρ(r) depend upon the harmonic oscillator parameter b and the correlation parameter β (which initiates from the Jastrow correlation function). Here, the parameters b and β are determined via the fitting to the measured charge form factors. The embedding of short range correlations imitates the measured charge form factors at the high momentum transfers (q ≥ 2 fm−1). It is noticed that the implanting of short range correlations is required for obtaining a remarkable alteration in the computed elastic charge form factors which in turn leads to explain the data of electron scattering astonishingly throughout the entire range of considered momentum transfers.

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