
Absolute electron-impact total cross sections (TCSs) for C4H6isomers (1, 3-butadiene and 2-butyne) and for hexafluoro-2-butyne (C4F6)have been measured in a linear electron-beam transmission experiment as afunction of impact energy, between 0.5 and 370 eV. For the C4H6molecule distinct differences in the shape and magnitude of TCS energydependences of both isomers are apparent at low energies. In the 1, 3-butadieneTCS curve, the enhancement below 1.2 eV, the narrow maximum centred around3.2 eV and the dominant broad peak at 9–9.5 eV are easily distinguishable; a veryweak shoulder is located near 8 eV. The TCS energy function of 2-butynedemonstrates a remarkable resonant-like maximum located near 3.6 eV andmuch broader enhancement centred at 8 eV. Above 50 eV both C4H6curves merge together. The hexafluoro-2-butyne TCS has the maximum near 8 eVand very broad enhancement spanning between 20 and 80 eV; weak shouldersnear 3 and 6 eV are also noticeable. The effect of perfluorination is indicated.

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