
The formation of a substantial postdisruption runaway electron current in ASDEX Upgrade material injection experiments is determined by avalanche multiplication of a small seed population of runaway electrons. For the investigation of these scenarios, the runaway electron description of the coupled 1.5-D transport solvers ASTRA-STRAHL is amended by a fluid model describing electron runaway caused by the hot-tail mechanism. Applied in simulations of combined background plasma evolution, material injection and runaway electron generation in ASDEX Upgrade discharge #33108, both the Dreicer and hot-tail mechanism for electron runaway produce only ${\sim }$ 3 kA of runaway current. In colder plasmas with core electron temperatures $T_\textrm {e,c}$ below 9 keV, the postdisruption runaway current is predicted to be insensitive to the initial temperature, in agreement with experimental observations. Yet in hotter plasmas with $T_\textrm {e,c}$ above 10 keV, hot-tail runaway can be increased by up to an order of magnitude, contributing considerably to the total postdisruption runaway current. In ASDEX Upgrade high-temperature runaway experiments, however, no runaway current is observed at the end of the disruption, despite favourable conditions for both primary and secondary runaway.

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