
The Asal–Ghoubbet Rift area comprises basaltic rocks with similar compositions that were formed by volcanic eruptions. To gain insight into the magmatic processes of these volcanic formations, we investigated the mineral chemistry of plagioclase macrocrysts and microcrysts found in the basaltic rocks by using an electron probe micro-analyzer (EPMA). These basaltic rocks contain olivine, pyroxene, euhedral plagioclase macrocrysts, and euhedral to subhedral plagioclase microcrysts. These plagioclase macrocrysts reach up to 4 cm in length in the form of giant crystals as plagioclase ultraphyric basalts (PUBs). They have a mineral composition varying from bytownite to labradorite with anorthite content ranging from An53 to An86. Also, the microcrysts of all these volcanic rocks are characterized by labradorite and andesine compositions with An22–80. According to the calculated plagioclase thermobarometry, the crystallization temperature of the plagioclase macrocrysts and microcrysts is 1082 to 1216 °C and 1072 to 1203 °C, respectively, and the pressure is 3.92 to 14.51 kbar for the macrocrysts and 2.99 to 14.84 kbar for the microcrysts. Based on these thermobarometry results for the plagioclases, we conclude that the volcanic formations located in the Asal–Ghoubbet area would have come from different eruptions from a single magmatic chamber.

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