
Conidia formed by cultures of Neurospora crassa (FGSC 821) grown on minimal agar medium (Beadle & Tatum, 1945) for 6 days at 25 C, were harvested with distilled water and separated from hyphae by filtration through glass wool. Samples were incubated at 30 C in minimal liquid medium and centrifuged. Germinating conidia were fixed in 2% (w/v) aqueous KMnO, or in 6% (v/v) aqueous glutaraldehyde followed by postfixation in 2% (w/v) aqueous KMnO,. The samples were dehydrated in an ethanol series, rinsed in propylene oxide, and then embedded in a mixture of Epon 812 and Epok 533. Sections were cut with glass knives on an LKB ultramicrotome, stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate (Reynolds, 1963), and examined with a JEM-7 electron microscope. RESULTS Fig. I (a) shows a nucleus with an invagination of the inner nuclear membrane. The outer membrane was clearly continuous across the point of invagination. No nucleus showed simultaneous membranous invaginations on both sides of the dividing nucleus, indicating that the invagination proceeded from one side of the nuclear surface to the other and not centripetally.

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