
Absolute cross sections for the projectile single-electron loss and single- and double-electron capture of ${\text{B}}^{2+}$ ions colliding with Ne and Ar targets and ${\text{C}}^{3+}$ ions colliding with Ar targets, in the energy range from 0.1 to 4.0 MeV, have been measured. Cross sections for the single capture channel have been calculated using the classical Bohr-Lindhard model, showing good agreement with the experiment. In the single electron-loss process, calculations were performed using both an extended version of the classical-impulse free-collision model and the plane-wave Born approximation (PWBA) for the screening mechanism, added to antiscreening cross sections calculated with the PWBA, thus providing total single electron-loss cross sections. The total cross sections obtained from the former method provided very good descriptions of the single electron-loss measured data, much better than those from the PWBA. The antiscreening calculations have been compared to experimental cross sections for ionization of ${\text{B}}^{2+}$ and ${\text{C}}^{3+}$ ions by electrons, within the independent-particle model, showing a good agreement in the asymptotic high-velocity region.

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