
Effects of 1 MeV electron irradiation were investigated for Ti–Ni alloys of three different compositions; Ti–49.9, 50.2 and 50.7 at.% Ni, by using an ultra-high voltage electron microscope. Obvious amorphization by the irradiation at room temperature was observed for the Ti–49.9 at.% Ni alloy in the as-received state, while in the Ti–50.2 at.% Ni alloy, the amorphization proceeded only a small extent for much higher doses. No amorphization could be observed for both specimens irradiated at temperatures higher than 343 K. The Ti–50.7 at.% Ni alloy did not amorphize even after the irradiation of 8 dpa at room temperature. Higher nickel concentrations and higher irradiation temperatures suggested the retardation of the amorphization. Prior to the amorphization, the disordering takes place and brings about the shape memory characteristics loss, as well. The disordering process always takes place even if the amophization does not occur. Deformation of the alloys enhances the amorphization induced by the electron irradiation. No defect clusters could be seen in the present experiment.

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