
Dynamic structural analysis of the molecules possessing large-amplitude degrees of freedom has been attempted by many researchers; however, so far, electron diffraction investigations involved only one large-amplitude coordinate (internal rotation or bending). The current state of computational facilities allows extending of the general dynamic approach to the systems possessing two or more large-amplitude motions. This paper presents the first practical implementation of the theoretical method developed previously by the authors for solving the dynamic-structural problem with two or more large-amplitude coordinates; the procedure is applied to a molecule of 3-nitrostyrene. The molecule is represented as a set of pseudoconformers built on a two-dimensional grid corresponding to both internal rotation coordinates present in the molecule (with 10-30° steps by each angle); altogether, up to 342 pseudoconformers were used. Structural analysis was based on the experimental electron diffraction data supported by quantum chemical calculations (at the MP2 and B3LYP levels of theory) and molecular spectroscopy data. Quantum chemistry predicts the planar structure of both syn- and anti- stable conformations with close energies and weak interaction between internal rotations of nitro and vinyl groups. The gas-phase electron diffraction experimental data are compatible with the quantum chemical predictions. The principal equilibrium geometry parameters of the molecule (syn- conformation) have been determined as follows: r(e)(C-C)(ring, avg.) = 1.391(1) Å, r(e)(C-C) = 1.477(5) Å, r(e)(C═C) = 1.333(7) Å, r(e)(C-N) = 1.463(5) Å, r(e)(N═O) = 1.227(3) Å, ∠e(O═N═O) = 124.3 (4)°. Experimental data for this molecule are insufficient to make estimates of the barrier heights of internal rotation; the population ratio of syn- and anti- conformations is evaluated as 50 ± 20%. Results of our investigation confirm the presence of significant internal rotations in the 3-nitrostyrene molecule.

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