
Pyridiniummethylcarbonyl moieties that were previously designed on the basis of electronic structure analysis are now utilized as fixed-charge tags with tunable electronic properties to be used for N-terminal peptide derivatization and sequencing by electron-transfer dissociation. Dipeptides AK and KA were derivatized at the peptide N-terminus with 4-dimethylaminopyridinium-N-acetyl (DMAP-ac) and pyridinium-N-acetyl (pyrid-ac) tags of increasing intrinsic recombination energies. Upon the capture of a free electron or electron transfer from fluoranthene anions, (DMAP-ac-AK+H)(2+), (DMAP-ac-KA+H)(2+), (pyrid-ac-AK+H)(2+) and (pyrid-ac-KA+H)(2+) ions, as well as underivatized (AK+2H)(2+), completely dissociated. The fixed-charge tags steered the dissociation upon electron transfer to form abundant backbone N-C(α) bond cleavages, whereas the underivatized peptide mainly underwent H-atom and side-chain losses. Precursor ion structures for the tagged peptides were analyzed by an exhaustive conformational search combined with B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) geometry optimization and single-point energy calculations in order to select the global energy minima. Structures, relative energies, transition states, ion-molecule complexes, and dissociation products were identified for several charge-reduced species from the tagged peptides. The electronic properties of the charge tags and their interactions with the peptide moieties are discussed. Electrospray ionization and electron-transfer dissociation of larger peptides are illustrated with a DMAP-tagged pentapeptide.

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