
AbstractElectron acceleration is studied during the resonant interaction of launched electron beam with the surface plasma wave (SPW) in the presence of static magnetic field. A configuration of two parallel metal sheets separated by a vacuum region supports the SPW of amplitude maximum on the two parallel interfaces and minimum in the middle. Kretschmann geometry is used to excite surface plasma mode by shinning laser on a glass prism. Dispersion relation of SPW is established in the presence of magnetic field and smaller cut-off frequencies are observed as compared with that of without magnetic field. An electron beam launched in the middle region, experiences a longitudinal ponderomotive force due to SPWs and gets accelerated to the velocity of the order of phase velocity of the surface wave. The energy gained by electron is higher in the presence of magnetic field as compared with zero magnetic field. The electron energy and trajectory are also presented for varying parameters such as amplitude of SPW and magnetic field strength. In the present scheme, electron beams can achieve maximum 550 KeV energy for the SPW amplitude ESP = 1.2 × 1011 V/m, plasma frequency ωp = 1.3 × 1016 rad/s, and cyclotron frequency ωc/ωp = 0.05.

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