
Despite the achievements in medical rehabilitation of patients with partial and complete absence of teeth, rehabilitation is not a definitely settled issue for orthopedic dentistry. According to the World Health Organization, about 26% of patients do not use full dentures for various reasons. The most common reasons for non-adaptive removable dentures are poor denture fixation or pain under prosthesis, which may be associated with the development of prosthetic stomatitis. We elaborated a method for the prevention and treatment of prosthetic stomatitis (toxic and allergic), using the magnetron coating with fullerene C60 surface of the prosthesis base.
 The aim of the research is the study of bioelectric activity of the masseter muscle in patients with manifestations of intolerance to acrylic base plastic after covering the prosthesis base with C60 fullerene in the observation period of up to 3 months.
 Material and methods of the research. We examined 29 subjects who presented to the orthopedic dentistry clinic for restoration of dentitions, using of partial and full laminar removable dentures. Patients were divided into 3 groups. The first group embraced patients with complete dentitions without dentures (9 people). The second group comprised patients who used partial and complete removable dentures with acrylic base for 1-3 months and they were diagnosed with prosthetic stomatitis (10 people). The third group included patients, implanted with partial and complete laminar removable dentures with the phenomena of prosthetic stomatitis, which underwent isolation of the prosthesis base using magnetron nano-coating with C60 fullerene (10 people).
 The functional state of the masseter muscles was determined by superficial electromyography, taking into account the condition of the prosthetic bed tissues and the period of using the dentures with nano-coating for 1 day, 15 days, 30 days and 2 months after denture placement.
 Results of the studies and their discussion. As shown by our studies, patients who used partial and complete removable prostheses with symptoms of prosthetic stomatitis (toxic and allergic stomatitis) demonstrated a significant effect on the bioelectric activity of the proper masseter muscles as compared with patients in group 1. The average amplitude of volitional compression was less at 2.8 times and the average amplitude of arbitrary chewing was less at 2.1 times, the dynamics of the states of rest and activity of chewing muscles was impaired. A reduction in the activity time and a slight increase in the resting time both on the working side and on the balancing side, as compared to patients in group 2 were observed in the first day after prosthetics with magnetron C60 fullerene nano-coating. Patients in group 3 demonstrated an increase in bioelectric activity (the amplitude of biopotentials increased), as compared with group 2, both in volitional compression and in arbitrary chewing. On the 15th day of observation, the electromyographic pattern in patients of group 3 changed and was characterized by a pronounced tendency to normalized indicators of the activity and rest time. The electromyogram amplitude of the masseter muscles increased significantly, but at this time the observations did not reach the values of group 1. One month after applying the dentures, electromyograms of patients demonstrated a more pronounced alternation of activity waves with periods of rest, the amplitude of biopotentials oscillation increases. One month after denture placement, the indicators of group 3 approached the data, obtained in patients of group 1. After conducting the electromyographic study within 3 months, we found that in group 3, the values of average amplitude of arbitrary chewing and the amplitude of volitional compression of the masseter muscles were 2 times higher than those of group 2. The time of activity and rest became more balanced and did not differ significantly from indicators in group 1.


  • The data obtained from an electromyography at different time periods of use of complete relatively fixed prosthesis with different abutment systems under condotions of disintegration of one of the distal implant support

  • A reduction in the activity time and a slight increase in the resting time both on the working side and on the balancing side, as compared to patients in group 2 were observed in the first day after prosthetics with magnetron C60 fullerene nano-coating

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Матеріали і методи дослідження

Під нашим спостереженням перебували 29 осіб, що звернулися в клініку ортопедичної стоматології для відновлення безперервності зубних рядів за допомогою часткових і повних пластинкових знімних протезів. До третьої групи ввійшли пацієнти, запротезовані частковими й повними пластинковими знімними протезами з явищами протезного стоматиту, яким була проведена ізоляція базису протеза за допомогою магнетронного нанопокриття фулереном С60 (10 осіб). Об’єктивний критерій якості протезування, адаптації пацієнтів до протеза, визначення характеру відновлення функції жування ми оцінювали на основі показників біоелектричної активності власне жувальних м’язів. Функціональний стан власне жувальних м’язів визначали за допомогою поверхневої електроміографії з урахуванням стану тканин протезного ложа й терміну користування протезами з нанопокриттям – 1 доба, 15 діб, 30 діб і 3 місяці після накладання протезів. Що характер запису електроміограм і дані, отримані при кількісній обробці електроміограм, дають об’єктивне уявлення про механізми нервової регуляції акту жування залежно від стану адаптації до протезів, особливо в пацієнтів з явищами протезного стоматиту й після його ліквідації

Результати дослідження
Список літератури
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