
Photonic crystals (PCs) are structures with periodically modulated dielectric constants whose distribution follows a periodicity of the order of a fraction of the optical wavelength. Since the first pioneering work in this field, many new interesting ideas have been developed dealing with one-dimensional (1D), two-dimensional (2D), and threedimensional (3D) PCs. Researchers have proposed many new and unique applications of photonic devices which may revolutionize the field of photonics in much the same way as semiconductors revolutionized electronics. They can generate spectral regions named photonic band gaps (PBGs) where light cannot propagate in a manner analogous to the formation of electronic band gaps in semiconductors [1,2]. There are several studies of metallic [3-7] and superconducting photonic crystals [7,8] which are mostly concentrated at microwave, millimeterwave, and far-infrared frequencies. In those frequencies, metals act like nearly perfect reflectors with no significant absorption problems. Yablonovitch [1] main motivation was to engineer the photonic density of states in order to control the spontaneous emission of materials embedded with photonic crystal while John’s idea was to use photonic crystals to affect the localization and control of light. However due to the difficulty of actually fabricating the structures at optical scales early studies were either theoretical or in the microwave regime where photonic crystals can be built on the far more reading accessible centimeter scale. This fact is due to the property of the electromagnetic fields known as scale invariance in essence, the electromagnetic fields as the solutions to Maxwell’s equations has no natural length scale and so solutions for centimeter scale structure at microwave frequencies as the same for nanometer scale structures at optical frequencies. The optical analogue of light is the photonic crystals in which atoms or molecules are replaced by macroscopic media with different dielectric constants and the periodic potential is replaced by a periodic dielectric function. if the dielectric constants of the materials is sufficiently different and also if the absorption of light by the material is minimal then the refractions and reflections of light from all various interfaces can produce many of the same phenomena for photons like that the atomic potential produced for electrons[9]. The previous details can guide us to the meaning of photonic crystals that can control the propagation of light since it can simply defined as a dielectric media with a periodic

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