
AbstractThe dispersion of electromagnetic waves in waveguides partially filled with semiconductor plasma is investigated for unmagnetized and for strongly magnetized plasma.The effects which may be useful for the plasma electronics are found: In such waveguides there exist a large number of slow waves with typical frequencies ω ≈ ωP/√ϵL. The filling at which the different modes at fixed phase velocity are maximum separated in wavelength is found. The thickness of the semiconductor layer at which this effect arises is about hundred micrometers and depends on the crystals' type. In addition to this, in strongly magnetized semiconductor plasma the maximum frequency separation of the typical plasma waves is found at fixed filling.Is it shown that in such systems there exist many surface waves which are of the slow wave type.In the case of strongly magnetized plasma coupling between nonsymmetrical EH‐ and HE‐ modes is shown to exist.

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