
To ensure precise needle placement in soft tissue of a patient for e.g. biopsies, the intervention is normally carried out image-guided. Whereas there are several imaging modalities such as computed tomography, magnetic resonance tomography, ultrasound, or C-arm X-ray systems with CT-option, navigation systems for such minimally invasive interventions are still quite rare. However, prototypes and also first commercial products of optical and electromagnetic tracking systems demonstrated excellent clinical results. Such systems provide a reduction of control scans, a reduction of intervention time, and an improved needle positioning accuracy specially for deep and double oblique access. Our novel navigation system CAPPA IRAD EMT with electromagnetic tracking for minimally invasive needle applications is connected to a C-arm imaging system with CT-option. The navigation system was investigated in clinical interventions by different physicians and with different clinical applications. First clinical results demonstrated a high accuracy during needle placement and a reduction of control scans.

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