
By using complex angular momentum techniques, we study the electromagnetic radiation generated by a charged particle falling radially from infinity into a Schwarzschild black hole. We consider both the case of a particle initially at rest and that of a particle projected with a relativistic velocity and we construct complex angular momentum representations and Regge pole approximations of the partial wave expansions defining the Maxwell scalar $\phi_2$ and the energy spectrum $dE/d\omega$ observed at spatial infinity. We show, in particular, that Regge pole approximations involving only one Regge pole provide effective resummations of these partial wave expansions permitting us (i) to reproduce with very good agreement the black hole ringdown without requiring a starting time, (ii) to describe with rather good agreement the tail of the signal and sometimes the pre-ringdown phase, and (iii) to explain the oscillations in the electromagnetic energy spectrum radiated by the charged particle. The present work as well as a previous one concerning the gravitational radiation generated by a massive particle falling into a Schwarzschild black hole [A. Folacci and M. Ould El Hadj, Phys. Rev. D$\textbf{98}$, 064052 (2018), arXiv:1807.09056 [gr-qc]] highlight the benefits of studying radiation from black holes in the complex angular momentum framework (they obviously appear when the approximations obtained involve a small number of Regge poles and have a clear physical interpretation) but also to exhibit the limits of this approach (this is the case when it is necessary to take into account background integral contributions).

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